
Workflow Engine Server will start and then stop shortly after without any intervention. Event viewer will show the following error:

"Settings Server returned no data for workflow connection with Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

This may happens after an upgrade to DocuWare 6.11. Upon moving the database guid for DWWorkflowEngine into the DWOrganizationDB table, the guid is passed with all 0's. This can be resolved by updating this value with the correct one.

  1. Perform a clean backup of the database.
  2. Open the DWSystem database and view the entries in the DWOrganizationDB table. In the "workflowdbconnection" column, you will find the value with all 0's.
  3. Execute the following query under DWSystem database to obtain the correct guid:
    SELECT * FROM [dwsystem].[dbo].[DWSystemSettings]
    where cast(settings as varchar(MAX)) like '%dwworkflowengine%'
  4. Execute the following query under DWSystem database using the value obtained in Step 3:
    UPdate [dwsystem].[dbo].[DWOrganizationDB]
               Set workflowdbconnection = '<GUID obtained in Step 3>'
    For Example:
  5. Start Workflow Engine Server. The service should now remain started.