
Where can I find import jobs that were created on this workstation but are no longer visible in DocuWare Desktop Apps?

To view these import jobs, you must be logged into the same DocuWare user and Windows user as the import was created under. To check this, we can view the hotfolder.xml, which holds the configurations for these jobs.

1. Locate the file named hotfolder.xml. The default location of this file is C:\ProgramData\DocuWare\Desktop. If you cannot locate the holfolders.xml file here, you should utilize the Windows folder search to check the entire "C:\" directory. 

2. Find the DocuWare User and Windows Sid. Each import job is contained within two <hotfolderConfiguration> tags. Towards the bottom of the configuration, locate the value labeled "UserName" and "WindowsUserSid".

3. Make sure you’re connected to the correct accounts.
Reference the “UserName” and “WindowsUserSid” you found in the previous step and make sure Desktop Apps are connected to the referenced “UserName.”

Follow this article in order to check and make sure you’re connected to the desired Windows user: 

4. Once connected, you will see all of your import jobs appear.

KBA is applicable for both Cloud and On-premise Organizations.

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