
How to Add or Remove Authentication Connections

If you want to connect to multiple installations or modify existing connections then you can use the DocuWare Administration tool to edit those connections. The only requirement is the other system(s) has to be in the same version.

Using the Administration tool: 
Edit Connections

This opton is also available if login offline normally.

Edit Connections

Here you can re-arrange or delete the connections. Once you have changed teh settings you can save and exit the configuration window. Afterward, you should be able to start the client normally.

 Edit Connections

Now, you should be able to select the new connection template from the list.

 Edit Connections

Editing the settings file:
You can also edit or add more connections by editing the following files. By default they in the following location:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\AdminTool\DocuWare.Administration.exe.settings
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\Client Modules\DocuWare.Wrapper.DW4Client.dll.settings

Sample image:
 Edit Connections

NOTE: You can also modify these files and using some type of ditribution method deploy to the DocuWare clients (Windows client only) so that the new chnages can take affect.