
Why is it not possible to display DXF and DWL files in 6.10?

Due to a technical problem the assignment for the file extensions DXF and DWL are missing in 6.10. In order to fix it please perform following steps:

  1. Open the Task-Manager
  2. Stop all "DocuWare.Imaging.Worker.exe" processes
  3. Open the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DocuWare\Imaging\DocuWare.Imaging.Worker.exe.config"
  4. Search for section
    <add fileType="Cad"
  5. Add filetypes dwl and dxf
    <add fileType="Cad" extensions="dwg, dxf, dwf, dwl, dwxf" decoders="Stellent"/>
  6. Save the file