
After enabling X-Frame-Options "SAME-ORIGIN" in your IIS HTTP Response Headers, the DocuWare Web Client results in a "500 Internal Server Error."

Please implement the following steps to resolve this error message;

  1. On the server the DocuWare installation is on, navigate to C:\Program Files\DocuWare\Web\Platform and locate the Web.config file.
    Note: Make a copy of the Web.config file as a backup!
  2. Within the Web.config file, delete the following lines below:

      <location path="WebClient">
              <add name="X-Frame-Options" value="" />

  3. Save your file.
  4. Create your HTTP Response Header by doing the following:
    Open IIS Manager, and on the left-hand tree, navigate to Sites > Default Web Site > DocuWare then double-click the “HTTP Response Headers” icon.

    Right-click the header list and select Add. Then for the name, write X-FRAME-OPTIONS, and for the value, write SAME-ORIGIN.

When all the changes have been saved, perform an IISRESET, and the Web Client should load without error.
For how to properly reset IIS, please follow KBA-34532.

KBA is applicable for On-premise Organizations ONLY.