The installation of an Intelligent Indexing On-premise system is not part of the standard support package. If you need assistance, please contact your DocuWare Partner or our Professional Services Team (professional.services.emea@docuware.com or professional.services.americas@docuware.com). Support will be unable to assist with installations on systems that do not fulfill our software requirements.
How do I change your Intelligent indexing V2 password?
The installation of an Intelligent Indexing On-premise system is not part of the standard support package. If you need assistance, please contact your DocuWare Partner or our Professional Services Team (professional.services.emea@docuware.com or professional.services.americas@docuware.com). Support will be unable to assist with installations on systems that do not fulfill our software requirements.
How do I change your Intelligent indexing V2 password?
To update the Intelligent Indexing V2 password, rerun the appropriate script with the new password.
- If you are using the SQL Server Express that came with the installation,use Run-Setup-Example.ps1
- If you are using your own database server, use Run-Setup-With-Own-SqlServer-Example.ps1
KBA is applicable to On-premise Organizations ONLY