How do I change the location of the Index Files path for Fulltext files of a file cabinet?
The index files used by Fulltext are stored in a Windows directory, which is defined while running the Fulltext Server setup. For each file cabinet using the Fulltext option, a subdirectory is created named like the GUID of the corresponding file cabinet. Since the index files may grow very large depending on the document size and its textshots, having different locations for the file cabinets’ Fulltext index files can alleviate future storage concerns.
Create a new File Cabinet with a new Fulltext index file location
Before creating the new file cabinet, a new storage location for Fulltext index files has to be created. This can be done by navigating to DocuWare Administration
and then selecting System > Data Connections > Fulltext Server Connection. Right-click the Fulltext Server Connection node and select Create Fulltext connection.
This new Fulltext Server Connection can be assigned by following KBA-36582
Change the Fulltext index file location of an Existing File Cabinet
The index files location used for Fulltext of a file cabinet cannot be changed in DocuWare Administration only. The index files have to be moved to the new location and each file will need to be adapted manually as well. Please refer to the following guide to move and adapt an existing file cabinet's Fulltext index files;
1. Stop the Fulltext Server, then create the folder in which you want to store the indexes. Copy the index folders from the old location to the new location.
2. Navigate to C:\Program Files\DocuWare\Full-Text Server (x64)\solr\server\solr. Here, there are folders that are titled with a GUID that contain the file.
3. Open the file and edit the first part of the dataDir parameter, as this will be your new index location.
Note: Do not edit the GUID at the end of the location directory.
4. In the DocuWare Administration Tool, change the Index Files path value to reflect the new Index file location. Click Apply in the bottom right corner to save your changes.
Once completed, start the Fulltext Server and incoming Fulltext indexes will be saved to the new index location.
KBA is applicable to On-Premise Organizations ONLY.