Am in the process of migrating a current Fortis customer to DocuWare (v6.12) and am experiencing EXTREMELY large SQL database sizes in comparison to what the Fortis database size was.
Example, Fortis database size is 3.2 GB, current DocuWare database (dwdata) size is 17.5 GB (and am not done migrating).
Note: dwsystem is also 8.6 GB
Log files: dwdata size is 21.2 GB and dwsystem is 19.3 GB
Deeper look shows the extreme size is due to the _PAGE table for each file cabinet. Something to do with the textshot column, binary data?
I have been told that the _PAGE table will always create textshots for every document regardless of fulltext being enabled within the file cabinet. What is the textshot used for then if "fulltext search" is diabled within the file cabinet options?