Vues :

DocuWare Administration is a rich source of practical information for the management of your DocuWare system. We illustrate 5 examples here.

Which Users are Logged On?

Connections to Content Server and the number of connections currently running can be checked within DocuWare Admi-nistration by going to DocuWare System/Server/Content Server/<Name Content Server>/Service options. All server and client connections to Content Server are listed under Number of connections. How many users are currently connected with Content Server is shown under Number of users. Both user names and the number of their connections are displayed.

Users can have multiple connections to Content Server, for example, if they are working simultaneously with Windows Client and Web Client, have multiple viewers open in Windows Client, or have started an ACTIVE IMPORT job running in parallel to the client. Use this quick overview to find out how licenses are being used. Or check how many connections to the server exist before doing any maintenance work.

Within Service Options under DocuWare System/Server/Content Server/<Name Content Server> you can check the current status of registered users

Since version 6.7 a new feature is added in DocuWare Administration: Connections Overview. This feature can fe found in the administration toolbar if System or Organization branch is selected:


Which workflows are running?

An overview of all currently running workflows can be found in DocuWare System/Server /Workflow Server/<Name Workflow Server> in the area labeled Service options. The setting which determines the maximum number of workflows that can run at the same time is set in the section Maximum number of parallel workflows. The default value is 1. if two Autoindex workflows are defined they will run one after the other unless this value is increased. By increasing or decreasing the value, you can control server load, since multiple parallel workflows can adversely impact performance. Within Number of current activities and within Parallel processes you can determine how many activities/workflows can run at the same time.

Which storage locations and data connections are available?

Check DocuWare Administration to see if it’s possible to connect to a certain storage location or create a data connection – to a database, for example – from DocuWare Server. This check makes sense if it hasn’t been possible to access documents or a data source in DocuWare. To check the availability of storage locations, navigate to the section DocuWare System/Storage locations/<Storage location name> and click on the . icon in the tool bar. The availability of the database can be seen in DocuWare System/Database connection/<Name Database connection> from the same icon in the tool bar.

By using the toolbar, you can access infor-mation to see if connections exist to different storage locations

What kind of rights does user have?

To get an overview of the various rights of individual DocuWare users, head to DocuWare System/Organization/User administration/User/<User name> and use this icon in the tool bar to Display user rights .

An analysis of whether certain rights were forgotten or which profiles need editing can be conducted easily via the toolbar. Click through Administration and you can easily see exactly which rights have been directly assigned to a user and which have been provided via profiles, groups or roles. The section Display user rights is purely a control area; it’s not possible to make any changes here.

Viewing user rights via the tool bar

What is the number number of documents and the fulltext status?

After going into the File Cabinet section of DocuWare Administration, use the right mouse key to click on <File cabinet name> to open a context menu. Clicking on Show fulltext status (regardless if the file cabinet is fulltext or not) will display a number of practical pieces of information. Included here you will find how many documents are stored in a file cabinet, the total number of document pages and the average number of pages of each document.

It also gives you a quick look at how big a file cabinet is. If a fulltext service has been set up for a file cabinet, this area within Administration will also give you a status report about fulltext. The dialog will give you a snapshot of the current situation, not a progressive display. It shows the percentage of documents stored in a file cabinet which still need to be indexed for fulltext and how much text has already been extracted. The value of how many of the stored documents have been indexed is also shown. This means that every extracted string has been analyzed to see if it already exists and is ranked based on this information. With this valuable information, you can gauge if the time and parameters for automatic fulltext indexing have been optimally configured. It’s also easy to see the overall volume of the fulltext catalog.

Valuable information: how many documents are in a file cabinet? Have all documents been indexed for fulltext?

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