Vues :

How can a select list from text file be created and assigned to file cabinet field?

Select lists are created with mentality, that the user can select the values, instead of typing the values when indexing documents in DocuWare. Here will be shown how to create a select list from a text file and assign to a file cabinet.


  • A text file.
  • A DocuWare storage location in DocuWare Administration tool, where you will place the text file(s). We use the file name is Costcenter.txt and will assign to a field called Cost Center.
    select list


  • Create a file connection with following parameters (look at the image below).  Here you have to know the structure of the data text file (E.g.: text delimiter, field delimiter, data type (text, numeric, date) column names (if any)), so that you can configure the settings correctly.
    select list
  • Now, create a select list with the following configuration.  Here you can create based on database connection or file connection. In our case it will be based on file connection.  
    select list
  • Next, we will add to the file cabinet field.  Under the field itself you have an option to add for storing/modifying or searching documents. I am just adding to the storing/modifying.
    select list
  • Finally you have to add to the dialogs. Select list can be added to Search, Store, and Info dialogs. I am just adding for fields with my store dialog for a field called Cost Center.
    select list
  • To be able to test the select list you can open the web client or the thick client. Here is an example. 
    select list