Vues :

How can I search for empty fields using the GAPI?

There are two options to search for empty fields using the GAPI.

  1. The first option is to use a  ISimpleSearchCommand and the method AddExtendedCriterion(). Doing this the search string "EMPTY()" has to be used in the AddExtendedCriterion() method, as this example is showing:
    IFileCabinetSimpleSearchCommand mySimpleSearch = myFileCabinet.Commands.newSimpleSearch();
    mySimpleSearch.AddExtendedCriterion(myField, "EMPTY()");
    IResultlist myRL = mySimpleSearch.ExecuteEx();
  2. The second option is using a ProfessionalSearchCommand:
    o the search string has to be constructed manually step by step
    o e.g. [FIELD1]=“EMPTY()“ or [STATUS]=“ACTIVE“
    o the name of the field always has to be the internal field name (aka column name)
    IFileCabinetProfessionalSearchCommand myProfSearch = myFileCabinet.Commands.newProfessionalSearch();
    myProfSearch.AddCriterion("[COMPANY] = "[COMPANY] = \"ABC\" OR [COMPANY] = \"Crosslinks BV\"");
    IResultlist myRL = myProfSearch.ExecuteEx();