Vues :

You are using DocuWare within your ERP by URL Integration. To gain more security you want to use the passphrase and encrypt the URL Inetgration. DocuWare offers a .NET API where you can create those URL's easily. But what if ther framework you are using is not .NET, but e.g. JAVA?

You have to encpyrt the URL Integration by yourself. The passphrase uses a symmetric encryption algorithm.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in accordance with specification FIPS-197.
Following parameters are used:

  • Block Size = 128 Bits
  • Cipher size = CBC (Cipher Block Chaining)
  • Initialization vector (IV) = 128 bits
  • Key length = 256 bits
  • No salt
  • PKCS7 Padding

Furthermore BASE64URL encoding is required two times. Parameters &lc and &q need to be Base 64 encoded. Afterwards all parameters are encyrpted and the result needs to be Base 64 encoded again.


&lc=VXNlcj1ndWVzdFxuUHdkPWd1ZXN0 (BASE64URL string)

Encrypt everything together with the passphrase and encode the result with BASE64URL again.

Further Information: