Vues :
The Read Only Web Client recently stopped working, no changes were made to the system, that may have caused this to happen. When any of your DocuWare users try to login to the Read Only Web Client, they are presented with one of the following error:
  • No Registered Manager for Application type ROWebClient
  • No Given Key Was Present
  1. Navigate to "C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\Authentication Server"
  2. Make a copy of the "DWAuthenticationServer.exe.config" and rename the copy of the file extension to .BAK
  3. Open the orginal .config file in Notepad
  4. Scroll down to the <UserManagers> tag
  5. Add the following tag:
    <DocuWare.Common.RefTypes.RefType>DocuWare.Communication.AuthenticationServer.Management.Managers.ROWebClientAppManager, DocuWare.ApplicationManagers</DocuWare.Common.RefTypes.RefType>
  6. Restart the DocuWare Server Services and IIS