Vues :


Does DocuWare provide updates for Apache Tomcat?


No, but by following the below instructions, you can update your Apache Tomcat installation manually.
Kindly note that we cannot guarantee support through this manual action. This is not a recommendation, but rather to give you the opportunity to update the component yourself if necessary.

Please be advised, that our installation routine will overwrite all manual actions! The default version included in the installation package will be applied.

  1. (optional) Open the command line.
    (Windows key + R, then enter "cmd.exe")
  2. (optional) Switch to the installation directory of the fulltext server.
    (e. g. cd "C:\Program Files\DocuWare\Full-Text Server (x64)")
  3. (optional) Execute the following command to determine the current version of Apache Tomcat:
    OpenJDK\jdk-13.0.2\bin\java -cp lib\catalina.jar org.apache.catalina.util.ServerInfo
  4. Stop the Fulltext Server.
  5. Create a backup of the webapps directory.
  6. Create a backup of the server.xml file (located in the directory conf).
  7. Run the file uninstalldwtomcat.cmd to remove the Windows service.
  8. Download the most recent version of Apache Tomcat which is still using the same major version (e. g. an update from 9.0.16 to 9.0.56 is possible, but an update from 9.0.16 to 10.0.5 is not); Use the download link which reads "64bit Windows zip".
  9. Copy the files and directories from the downloaded ZIP file and paste them to the installation directory of the Fulltext Server; For conflicting files, choose the option to overwrite the existing files. Make sure you do not delete the .cmd files!
  10. Remove the directory webapps and replace it with the backup from step 5.
  11. Remove the file server.xml in the directory conf and replace it with the backup from step 6.
  12. Run the file installdwtomcat.cmd to re-create the Windows service.
    In case the error message "[SC] ChangeServiceConfig FAILED 1057" is shown but the service has been installed successfully (as indicated by the "The service 'DWTomcat' has been installed." message), proceed with the next step as normal. This error message occurs because the file installdwtcomat.cmd attempts to re-configure the service with an empty service user and password.
  13. Run the file installopenjdkfordwtomcat.cmd to pass the path of the included OpenJDK installation to the Windows service's settings.
  14. Open the Windows services.
    (Windows key + R, then enter "services.msc")
  15. Open the service "DocuWare Full-Text Server" by double-clicking it or choosing "Properties" from the context menu.
  16. In the tab "Log On", choose either the local system account or specify your own Windows or Active Directory account. Note that this account must be able to access the fulltext index.
  17. Start the Fulltext Server.
  18. (optional) To check if the new Tomcat version was installed correctly, repeat steps 1 through 3.