
The installation of a HotfixPack is highly recommended for all DocuWare systems. Your DocuWare system is always kept up-to-date by installing the HotfixPack.
Starting with DocuWare version 6.12, there will be no more specific Hotfixes, only one HotfixPack for each version which is continuously updated and extended by current improvements.

Before you start the installation:

  • Please make sure that you have a current backup of the system. This includes documents, databases and a file backup of the DocuWare installation.


Basic information about HotfixPacks:

  • Verify that the HotfixPack ZIP-file is not blocked (KBA-35001). 
  • Extract the HotfixPack ZIP-file to an empty folder.
  • The main directory of the unzipped HotfixPack ZIP-file contains a PDF, with a description of the improved program behaviors. In addition, this PDF file contains an overview of the extracted folders and the location where to copy those folders.
    In some cases, there are other explicit instructions which are described in this file.
  • The structure of the HotfixPack file is always the same. In addition to the PDF-file, you will find two folders "CommonFiles" and "DocuWare".
  • The DocuWare folder contains an XML-file which you always copy into the DocuWare installation folder. This XML-file describes the version of the HotfixPack which is installed on your system.

Installation Guide

  • Stop all DocuWare services via the Service Control.
  • Stop all DocuWare Application Pools in the IIS-Manager.
  • All folders that are contained in the HotfixPack must be copied to the directories listed in the "Location" column (PDF file). The only exceptions to that, are only modules which you do not have installed.
    Rule of thumb: If there is a folder in the HotfixPack which is none-existent on your system, there is no need to copy that folder.
  • The affected files must now be replaced.
    IMPORTANT: Confirm all system messages like "There is already a file with the same name, do you want to replace it?" with "Copy and Replace".
  • In the case of a distributed installation, the HotfixPack must be installed on all other DocuWare servers as well.
  • If recommended in the HotfixPack PDF-file, run the explicit instructions (see above).
  • Restart the previously stopped DocuWare Application Pools (IIS Manager).
  • Restart the DocuWare services.
  • Clear the browser cache.
  • Update the Desktop Apps.
Comments (1)
  • Will this hotfix pack upgrade a Docuware 6.8 to version 6.12?
    (or do I need the full installation of 6.12)