When attempting to save a workflow in the DocuWare Workflow Designer, the following error is shown;
"Result list is not selected in 'Task list'"

Commencing in DocuWare 7.6, the Workflow Designer for each workflow allows you to select which result list is used in the task list. This will also apply all functions and rights from the list to the workflow tasks. Please refer to the following guide to select a result list so the workflow can be saved;
1. From the affected workflow, select the Task list option on the top-right of the designer.
2. Navigate to the Task list functions section and select a result list from the dropdown. Once completed, you may now save the workflow without error.
KBA is applicable to both Cloud and On-premise Organizations.
Comments (1)
  • I can confirm that this is happening in 7.7 as well.  I am using the default list.  Error is still there.  Your solution does not provide a solution to take the error away.