RE: Creation of Dialog inside File cabinet programmatically
Hello Tobias and thank you for your answer. I understand. My idea was that when I add a new document in DocuWare for specific person to create a folder in the file cabinet with the name of the person to stock all of his documents there.  <br> <br> I will try another solution. Thank you and wish you a pleasent week.<br> <br> Kind regards,<br> Antoni Danov -
Creation of Dialog inside File cabinet programmatically
Hello to everyone,<br> <br> After a few hours of searching and testing, finally, I would like to ask you  for a little bit help.<br> I am trying to create a dialog(folder) inside my file cabinet programmatically for every new user that upload documents and it not exists already in the file cabinet. Unfortunately, I find only how to create a Dialog object but I cannot asigned it to specific cabinet.<br> <br> Thank you if advanced for any ideas and suggestions.<br> <br> Kind regards,<br> Antoni