• Great!

    Thanks, Phil -- I will install the WE module tonight, I have all the files ready to go and setup looks straightforward. Even if I need to bounce the server that should be OK this evening. Then tomorrow I should be able to finally see how Workflow works!




  • Run Setup on live server?

    Can I run setup on a live server running production stuff? And just add a module? NOTE: I did not do ANY of the setup on the server side. The server was stood up for us by our reseller. I was in on the ground floor of configuration, but I have never done anything this in-depth on the server, and have never installed any hotfixes or updates.

    I will await instruction from DocuWare sales/support that got me the LIC file with Workflow installed (I do know how to apply a LIC, at least.  *smile*)

    EDIT: I found the setup files, and as you say, Workflow Engine is simply not selected. I might try to install it this evening when no one is on the system...



    Joe Kaufman

  • OK...well then my LIC is busted...

    I got Workflow as a 30-day trial to play around. I assumed that everything needed would have been included, as I got it straight from DocuWare.

    I guess doing a trial of Workflow is not as straightforward as it might seem. We do not have Workflow Engine Server, and as I said, the option is greyed out in the control panel.

    I will speak with whomever got me the LIC file and see what is going on...

    Thanks, everyone!



    Joe Kaufman

  • Thanks


    Thanks for the in-depth reply!

    I did get notifications working in the basic web client Configuration area. All emails are populated. I am not using a field with a username or email address.

    In the Workflow, I specifically subscribe with my own username, which has a valid email address filled in. There is also a field to enter an email address manually, which I also populated with a valid address. I tried with both and with just the username, and no emails get sent out.

    As I mentioned in another thread, my Workflow is as simple as possible and mimics the notification that does work in every way. But nothing goes out no matter what I do. I do not know if the Workflow simply is not triggering or if the email fails, and I don't know where to debug that.



    Joe Kaufman

  • Cannot get basic Workflow to run/notify

    Hey all,

    I got basic notifications working (ones configured in the web client). So, I thought I would set up the simplest full Workflow possible to mimic that -- send out an email when an index changes or a document is added to a file cabinet.

    All it is is a Start --> Email --> End flow. The Start is triggered by the same thing I have set up in my web-based Notification on the same file cabinet.

    The email is being sent out to a manually-entered email address and to a DocuWare user (myself). Permissions are to myself. The Workflow is published. Notify and Workflow services have been restarted several times. Thw Workflow tests fine and says it completed.

    When I go change the index, I get a notification via the web-based configuration, but I have yet to receive a notification from the workflow. I cannot tell if it is not triggering, if the emailing is failing, or anything. I do not know of a Workflow log to see what is happening (or not happening). I appear to have done everything I need to do as listed in the documentation.

    I am very new to Workflow, but surely this simplest of all Workflows should work? Is there some other global organization switch or file cabinet switch I need to check to make sure Workflows are allowed to run? The file cabinet does have the admin option "Email Notifications and Workflow Manager allowed" checked.

    Sorry for such a newbie question, but I'm stuck...

    UPDATE: I don't even know if any Workflows are running. I do not even see a "Tasks" header at the top of my DocuWare web client when a task should be getting created directly for me. In reading the help file, there is this part:



    • Workflow Engine Server
      The Workflow Engine Server is installed within DocuWare Setup as a server component.
    • Workflow Designer
      Install Workflow Designer on your client PC via the start menu of DocuWare Client.
    • Workflow tasks display in DocuWare Client
      In order to see the list of workflow tasks in DocuWare Client, you need to enable this function: DocuWare Client > Start menu > File cabinets and document trays > Enable the Workflows option.


    I don't know what "Workflow Engine Server" is, nor how it differs from "Workflow Server". It is greyed out in the DocuWare Service Control Panel on the server.

    I have Workflow Designer installed and have created two Workflows that test fine.

    I do not know what the third bullet point means. What is the "DocuWare Client"? The web client? There is no "Start" menu there and I do not see anything on any menu that has a "Workflows" option.

    Please advise -- I cannot even get Workflows off the ground, and the help file doesn't appear to help much as it focuses more on designing a Workflow than on troubleshooting why they aren't working at all in the first place.



    Joe Kaufman

  • Spoke too soon...

    Hey all,

    I still have yet to have a notification go out via a Workflow. I published the workflow and have notifications set to go out with Task assignment and an explicit Email event in the flow -- still nothing goes out when I trigger the workflow via a new document or index change on the field I have defined to monitor. Testing the Workflow runs fine -- no notifications there, either, even though the test says it completed and every flow step was executed.

    There also seems to be a lag on making Notification changes in the web client. Several minutes after I changed a notifcation email body, the previous version still came through. Does one have to bounce the Notification Server to have changes take effect immediately? Is there some other sort of refresh or publish operation I need to do for web client based Notifications?



    Joe Kaufman


  • Thank you!


    Thanks for confirming -- we will be fine, since the person constructing workflows will be using Windows. I just wanted to make sure...



    Joe Kaufman

  • You are all great!

    Thanks for the responses, and so sorry to have wasted your time -- once I recalled I had set up SMTP notifications in an Acronis backup, I checked that machine and Exchange works as an internal relay without even needing credentials. We should be good to go. Again, thanks for the help!



    Joe Kaufman

  • SMTP...


    Yes, on-prem, 6.11. Thank you for the information.

    I am very ignorant when it comes to network admin stuff, even something as simple as setting up an SMTP connection. So, I have attached a picture of what is set up. The server is local and the port is 25. Am I supposed to be linking into our company email server? That runs Exchange, so I am not sure about using it as an SMTP relay. I set up the SMTP connection as configured in the pic, then did something that should have triggered a workflow notification and still nothing happened (I bounced both the Notify and Workflow services on the server).

    What am I missing?

    EDIT: Never mind, I got a notification to go out! I remembered I set up a backup software rule to send motifications and we got SMTP configured on our Exchange server, so I used that. And I just got a notification...

    FURTHER EDIT: I have gotten web-client configured Notifications to go out, but with a lag (takes a few minutes before a changed notification displays the new content). And I have yet to get notifications to go out properly via a Workflow (see further down in the trhead for more on that).


    Joe Kaufman


  • Workflow: Windows only?

    Hey all,

    I know nothing about Workflow, but finally realized I needed to install the desktop Workflow Designer. Is Workflow Designer a part of the web client in 6.12? Or is that still a Windows-only application run from the desktop? It definitely looks slick (once I can get notifications working to tell if I even have a working flow!).



    Joe Kaufman