Thanks. I will try that out.
Thanks. I will try that out. I did make the user a local admin. Got used to that from using the older versions of DocuWare when the users had to use Tiffmaker. :-)
DW 6.6 Printer and Windows 10
Some of staff have been getting upgraded on Windows 10 PCs. When I installed the DocuWare Printer (6.6), the printer does not show up as an option in the print window. There was a zipped file that I kept as a fix when this issue first occurred late last year. Today I used it to add the two missing dll files and the DocuWare Printer still does not get added as a print option when the user opens email attachments. I tested my own PC (I don't use the DocuWare Printer normally) and it installed with no problem. My version is Windows 10 Pro Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134
Multiple trays created in DW 6.6 - need to trace source
Docuware 6.6 has the option when a tray is created to create either a single tray or to create many trays for all users. Unfortunately, someone used the later option. Is there a way to find out who did it. I don't see these trays when I am logged in a system admin or as myself. I can see the folders created on the server - about 146 of them. I would like to be able to assign them to the sys admin and get rid of them.