• RE: Value cannot be null when sending indexes via API on Docuware Cloud

    Thanks Simon, that was fast! :)<br> <br> Postman didn't feel like they notice, even with escaped quotes :(<br> We still have the same error.&nbsp;<br> I have added a couple of images to avoid the sanitizing, but error continues the same.<br> <br> &nbsp; <grammarly-desktop-integration data-grammarly-shadow-root="true"></grammarly-desktop-integration>
  • Value cannot be null when sending indexes via API on Docuware Cloud

    First time here. I hope someone can help us :).

    We are implementing an integration with an ITSM tool called GLPI. Currently the document is correctly uploaded to a Tray but without indexes it is not very useful.

    From a Ubuntu server 20.04 we are sending this test requests to upload the file and its indexes:

    curl -X POST 'https://XXXXX.docuware.cloud/docuware/platform/FileCabinets/56eaed2c-84bf-4e37-9ebc-7ede78829cde/Documents'
    -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'
    -F 'document="{Fields:[{FieldName:COMPANY,Item:CURL upload,ItemElementName:String}]};type=application/json"'
    -F 'file[]=@"/home/user/Documents/Test.pdf"'

    This is the error

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/DocuWare/Platform/Content/errors.xslt"?> <s:Error Uri="http://XXXXX.docuware.cloud/docuware/platform/FileCabinets/56eaed2c-84bf-4e37-9ebc-7ede78829cde/Documents" Method="POST" StatusCode="500" Status="Internal Server Error" xmlns:s="http://dev.docuware.com/schema/public/services">     <s:Message>Value cannot be null. Parameter name: stringToUnescape</s:Message>     <s:Exception>ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: stringToUnescape</s:Exception> </s:Error>

    Since it is an error 500 only Docuware knows what is happening. Any idea of what can be happening a how to avoid it? Thanks