• 401 Unauthorized Error in Dynamics 365 CRM Web Service - Need Help!


    I'm having a hard time setting up a web service with Dynamics 365 CRM.

    In postman, I've been able to get the access token and perform the actions I need just fine, using these details:

    URL: https://example.crm.dynamics.com (not the real URL)
    Authentication type: OAuth 2.0
    Client ID: ########## (obtained from Azure - app registration)
    Client Secret Key: ############ (obtained from Azure - app registration)

    Everything's set up correctly on the Azure side and the test connection went well.

    But here's the problem: when I use the workflow designer to send a GET request to fetch a list of Accounts, I get hit with a 401 unauthorized error.

    Here are the settings I'm using for the web service:
    GET - https://example.crm.dynamics.com (not the real URL)
    Route: api/data/v9.2/Accounts
    Queries: No change
    Encoding: No change
    HTTP Header: No change
    HTTP Body: No change

    I'm not sure what's going wrong here. Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Help Needed: Docuware Adding Space in HTTPS Links - Can't Execute GET Actions

    Hey all,

    I'm stuck with a weird problem. When I try to put this link (https://example.crm.dynamics.com/) into a variable or in the body of a web service action, Docuware adds a space right after "https:".

    It ends up looking like this: https: //example.crm.dynamics.com/. This random space is messing up my web service actions, particularly the GET actions.

    Does anyone know if this is on purpose? Can we not put an HTTPS link into a variable or a web service action?

    Any help would be really appreciated.


  • REST API - Update Index Value - not working!


    I've been scrapping the internet for a solution for this for the past few weeks so I figured I'd ask the community or maybe the staff might assist.


    The goal is to be able to Update an index field using REST API. I have follow the documentation very carefully but yet no luck. 

    Here's my sample code below:  (Btw using postman for testing and i know my way around the authentication step)

    First I will authenticate/log in by using this code below and then save my cookie:


    (The credentials are fake so dont bother using this url yourself..)

    Second, I will call the update the index field by using the PUT method and the url mentioned below:


    Body: (JSON)

        "Field":[ { "FieldName":"ZIP_CODE", "Item": 1, "ItemElementName":"Int"} ]

    After submission I dont recieve an error but rather a status 200 ok however the changes/update are not made.. Iv been stuck trying to figure this out for a while guys and I truly need some help.

    Iv tried using the json and xml method and followed the documentation fully regarding to updating an index field but no luck.

    Any hints or tips regarding this issue is much appreciated,

    Thanks in advance!

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