
The silent installation can be used for an automatic unattended Installation of DocuWare Windows Client over the network.

The prerequisites have to be installed before running silent setup. They will not be installed by the DocuWare silent setup!

DocuWare version .NET Framework version Windows Installer version Visual C++ packages
5.1c SP1 .NET Framework 4.0 Windows Installer 4.5 2005, 2008, 2010
5.1c SP2 .NET Framework 4.0 Windows Installer 4.5 2005, 2008, 2010
6 .NET Framework 4.0 Windows Installer 4.5 2005, 2008, 2010
6.1 .NET Framework 4.0 Windows Installer 4.5 2005, 2008, 2010
6.5 .NET Framework 4.5 Windows Installer 4.5 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012
6.6 .NET Framework 4.5.1 Windows Installer 4.5 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012
6.7 .NET Framework 4.5 Windows Installer 4.5 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012

You'll find a list of .NET Framework versions in different operating systems here:

Information for distribution in a network can be found here:

You'll find a list of available Windows Installer versions on different operating systems here:

How to perform a silent install of the Visual C++ 2010/2012 Redistributable packages is described here:


  1. Create template file DocuWare.Setup.XML
    At first install or upgrade a DocuWare Client with all modules manually using DocuWare Server Setup.
    This will provide a file named DocuWare.Setup.xml, which contains all the information and configuration parameters for a silent install/upgrade. It will be used as a template for the unattended installation.
    Depending on the DocuWare version you'll find the file at different locations:
    DocuWare version 5.1cSP1: C:\Users\public\
    DocuWare version 6.0 and 6.1: %temp%\SetupLogs\
    DocuWare version 6.5 and higher: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\DocuWare\SetupLogs\

  2. Verify DocuWare.Setup.xml
    Open the DocuWare.Setup.XML file in a XML editor. At the top of the file you'll see the operations the Setup will do. Usually you do not need to modify any values here.
    1. In case of an installation, it will look like this:
      <MSIFiles FileName="DocuWare.CommonOCR.msi" SuccessInstall="true" OperationStatus="Install" />
      <MSIFiles FileName="DocuWare.CommonVCET.msi" SuccessInstall="true" OperationStatus="Install" />
      <MSIFiles FileName="DocuWare.ClientModules.msi" SuccessInstall="true" OperationStatus="Install" />
      <MSIFiles FileName="DocuWare.ClientModules.English.msi" SuccessInstall="true" OperationStatus="Install" />
      <MSIFiles FileName="DocuWare.ComponentInit.msi" SuccessInstall="true" OperationStatus="Install" />
    2. In case of an upgrade, it will look like this:
      <MSIFiles FileName="DocuWare.CommonOCR.msi" SuccessInstall="true" OperationStatus="Upgrade" />
      <MSIFiles FileName="DocuWare.CommonVCET.msi" SuccessInstall="true" OperationStatus="Upgrade" />
      <MSIFiles FileName="DocuWare.ClientModules.msi" SuccessInstall="true" OperationStatus="Upgrade" />
      <MSIFiles FileName="DocuWare.ClientModules.English.msi" SuccessInstall="true" OperationStatus="Upgrade" />
      <MSIFiles FileName="DocuWare.ComponentInit.msi" SuccessInstall="true" OperationStatus="Install" />

  3. Adapt DocuWare Setup.xml
    Some values are important, so check and if necessary adapt the following values according to your system:
    Server="<DWSERVERNAME>"  (appears more often)
    ASHostName="<DWSERVERNAME>" (appears more often)
    ASPort="9000" (appears more often)
    RegisterClient="Register" (appears once)
    LicenseFilePath="<LICENSEPATH>"  (appears once)
    OrganizationName="<ORGANIZATION>"  (appears once)
    for example:
    <ConnectionSettings Server="DWSRV"... />
    <ASConnectionSettings ASHostName="DWSRV" ASPort="9000" />
    <DWWinClient .. RegisterClient="Register" ...>
    <OrganizationSettings LicenseFilePath="\\DWSRV\DWInstall\DocuWare and Modules\dwlicense660.lic" ... OrganizationName="Peters Engineering" />

  4. Create the BAT file
    Create a BAT file e.g. DWSilentSetup.bat and add following lines.
    Adapt the highlighted values for DWSetupPath, DWSysAdmin and DWSysAdminPassword according to your system.
    Please specify the path to the shared DocuWare and Modules folder using UNC without any quotation marks. Mapped network drives are not supported!
    Do not use doubled quotation marks in passwords!

    @echo off
    echo ******************************************************************************
    echo ***************** DocuWare Client is being installed. ************************
    echo *This Window will be closed automatically after the installation is finished.*
    echo ******************************************************************************
    rem Please specify the following variables. Do not use character "
    SET DWSetupPath=\\Path\DocuWare and Modules
    SET DWSysAdmin=DWAdmin
    SET DWSysAdminPassword=Password
    rem Log directory is created
    rem DocuWare Setup Components are installed
    msiexec /i "%DWSetupPath%\DocuWare.msi" /l*v "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\DocuWare\SilentSetup.log" PREPARESETUP="1" /q 
    if defined ProgramFiles(x86) (set DWSetupChainer="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\DocuWare\Setup Components\DocuWare.Setup.GUI.exe") else (set DWSetupChainer="%ProgramFiles%\DocuWare\Setup Components\DocuWare.Setup.GUI.exe")
    echo DWSetupChainer: %DWSetupChainer%
    rem Components are installed according to DocuWare.Setup.xml
    %DWSetupChainer% "MaintenanceMode=" "MSIPath=%DWSetupPath%" "Mode=1" "UILevel=2" "DISPLAYUI=0" "DWSYSADMIN=%DWSysAdmin%" "DWSYSADMINPASSWORD=%DWSysAdminPassword%"

  5. Prepare Setup folder
    Copy your DocuWare.Setup.xml and your BAT file into the folder DocuWare and Modules. Share the folder so it is accessible over the network.

  6. Running DW Silent Setup
    Running the BAT file will start the installation/upgrade automatically, without any need for user interaction. However, no status of the installation is displayed. Run the BAT file manually or e.g. in a logon Script.
    As long the DocuWare.Setup.GUI.exe is running setup is not finished.
    Please note that installing or upgrading requires elevated privileges.
    You'll find the DocuWare Setup log files depending on the DocuWare versions in following locations:
    DocuWare version 5.1c SP1 - 6.1: %temp%\SetupLogs\
    DocuWare version 6.5 and higher: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\DocuWare\SetupLogs\
    You'll find the Silent Setup Log always in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\DocuWare\

Please remove the file DocuWare.Setup.xml from the DocuWare and Modules folder after installation/upgrade.
If the file is located in DocuWare and Modules folder it impedes to run the Server Setup manually.