
Why do i get the following error message while printing, scanning or importing documents with DocuWare Desktop:
"The configuration with name '...' is not available."

Fehlermeldung: Konfiguration xy nicht verfügbar.

This error is caused because the DocuWare Job Server can not reach the Settings Service. 
Therefore please check in file "C:\ProgramData\DocuWare\ServerConfig\dwmachine.config" the http address for the parameter "LocalWebServices". The address should contain the server name of the web server, if possible:
<Setting Key="LocalWebServices" Value="http://[server name]/DocuWare/" Encrypted="false" />

If a different port is used than 80, it is also necessary to edit the file "...\DocuWare\Web\JobServer\web.config".
Change the value for the parameter "SettingsServiceUrl":
<add key="SettingsServiceUrl" value="http://[server name]:[port]/DocuWare/Settings/SettingsService.svc" />

After the change please restart the application pool "DocuWare Job Server App Pool" in IIS.

Please adjust the Internal address in the DocuWare Administration under the Web connections as well.
This address is used when creating the dwmachine.config and must be accessible for alle DocuWare server and application pools.

The Settings Service has to be accessible by the user that is assigned to the "DocuWare Job Server App Pool".

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