
When logging into the Web Client, users are receiving the following error:

"The workflow database connection for the current organization does not exist or you do not have permission to access it."


This occurs when the DWOrganizationDB table has the incorrect GUID for your organization's workflow database connection. To resolve this issue, this will need to be updated.

***NOTE: Make sure to take a complete database backup before any of the following changes are made.***

  1.  First, we need to find the correct GUID, access your database, and run the following command:

    Use Dwsystem;
    select * from dwsystemsettings
    where (cast (settings as nvarchar (max))) like '%dwworkflowengine%'

    Use dwsystem;
    Select * from dwsystemsettings
    where settings like '%dwworkflowengine%'

    These should return the entry of your workflowengines DB connection. Take note of the value in the 'guid' column.

  2. Take the guid from the previous step and replace it with the value highlighted in red below, then take the query and execute it in your system.
    (NOTE: This query is for systems with one organization, if you have multiple organizations, you must find the "oid" and reference it in your update statement.)

    Update DWOrganizationDB
    set workflowdbconnection = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

  3.  After the change is made, refresh your web browser. The error should no longer occur.

KBA is applicable for On-premise Organizations ONLY.