
Why can't I connect to my Validation service after creating the self-signed certificate?

Starting with a fresh copy of the sample Node.js validation service files, do the following;

  1. Install the node.js modules using 'npm install' in an Admin CMD prompt
  2. Using OpenSSL in a CMD Prompt, run the following command to generate a Private Key for the cert.pem & key.pem files located in the SampleValidation Folder.
    openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout "PATH_TO_VALIDATION_SERVICE_GOES_HERE\key.pem" -out "PATH_TO_VALIDATION_SERVICE_GOES_HERE\cert.pem" -days 365 -subj "/CN=YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_HERE"
  3. Run the Validation Service in CMD
  4. Once the service is running, navigate to the Validation Service in a Web Browser. You should get a "Not Secure" message.
    If you're using Chrome, click on the "Not Secure" icon in the address bar and choose "Certificate". From here, go to "Details" then "Copy to File". Choose a name & place to store this certificate (DER Format is correct)
  5. Follow these instructions to install this Certificate that you created:

Once the above instructions have been performed, the certificate should be properly generated and installed, allowing accessibility to the Validation service. 

KBA is applicable for both Cloud and On-premise Organizations.