What are my options for exporting documents out of DocuWare? 

For exporting documents outside of DocuWare, the following options are available: 
DocuWare Request
Create important documents in a standalone digital file cabinet. With the integrated browser, external service providers or customers can search and view documents – without DocuWare or other additional software. Please refer to KBA-36292 on how to set up a DocuWare Request or visit the DocuWare Knowledge Center for additional information.

Download via Result List
From a Result List in the DocuWare Web Client, you can select which documents you would like to download by holding either Ctrl to choose your files or the Shift key to select a group of documents; otherwise, you can press Ctrl + A to select all 100 documents shown on the list, right click then choose "Download" and your preference of exporting in their original format, or as a PDF with or without annotations. 

Another option offering more flexibility would be our API.
Information and examples can be found on the DocuWare Developer Page.

Professional Services
Lastly, our Professional Services department can be contacted to perform this task at a fee. 
To begin this process, fill out and submit the following form
If you'd like just to export the index data of a document, please refer to KBA-37007
KBA is applicable for both Cloud and On-premise Organizations