How can I add a date field to the file name when exporting documents?
Please refer to the following guide to add a date field to the file names;
How can I add a date field to the file name when exporting documents?
Please refer to the following guide to add a date field to the file names;
1. Navigate to the defaultconfig.xml configuration file (default location: C:\ProgramData\docXporter). Open the file and locate the Document Export Settings section where the FileName value can be found.
<!-- Document Export Settings -->
<ExportPath>c:\DocXporter Export\{COMPANY}\{DOCUMENT_TYPE}</ExportPath>
2. To use the information from a date field, add the following under the file name:
Note: Please create a copy of this file for backup purposes before altering it.
For example:
In this example, the date field we want to be added to the file name is DOCUMENTDATE;
3. The date can be set to the format of your choosing, i.e:
<!-- Document Export Settings -->
<ExportPath>c:\DocXporter Export\{COMPANY}\{DOCUMENT_TYPE}</ExportPath>
2. To use the information from a date field, add the following under the file name:
Note: Please create a copy of this file for backup purposes before altering it.
For example:
In this example, the date field we want to be added to the file name is DOCUMENTDATE;
3. The date can be set to the format of your choosing, i.e:
Note: The current formatting/region of the fields does not matter. You can export in any format you choose.
KBA is applicable to both Cloud and On-premises Organizations.