How can I create a Document Tray location?
Please refer to the following guide to create a Document Tray location;
Create the Storage Location in DocuWare Administration
  1. Open DocuWare Administration tool.
  2. Navigate to DocuWare System > Storage Locations. Right-click on Storage Locations, then select Create New Storage Location.

  3. Enter a name of your choosing and ensure that Document Trays is enabled.

  4. Enter the desired path of the location, then click Finish.
Add the Tray Location to the Document Trays configurations
  1. Navigate to the Document Trays plugin on the Configurations page.
  2. Either edit a currently existing tray or create a new tray.
  3. Under More Options, select Edit tray locations​​​​​​.
  4. Click on the plus (+) icon in the bottom left to add the tray location.
    Note: You may need to scroll down or adjust your screen resolution to see the Plus (+) symbol.
  5. Choose the name of the location, storage location, and the database you want to use.
  6. Once completed, click OK at the bottom right and the new Document Tray Location is ready for use.

KBA is applicable to On-premise Organizations ONLY.