• Attaching Stored Documents to Email Replies

    Is there a way to attach a stored document within an email reply? I know that I can use the email icon tool to send a document, but it generates a new email. I would like to attach a stored document to an existing chain of emails.

  • DocuWare Printer & Auto-Indexing

    I know that templates for recurring documents can be created for auto-indexing, and that the auto-indexing feauture can be used on documents sent to DocuWare using the DocuWare Printer, but we can only get templated auto-indexed documents to go to a single tray when using the DocuWare Printer. Is there a way to use the saved template for auto-indexing AND use the DocuWare Printer, but send the document to a Tray at the individual user level?

    Ex: There are 12 users with an individual tray called "Inbox." Users should not be able see documents in another users tray. All 12 users are storing Quotes that follow the same recurring format. We have an auto-indexing template saved for Quotes. We want each user to be able to print their Quotes using DocuWare Print and have only their quotes show up in their individual tray called Inbox. Is this possible?

    Our partner is telling us that we can't print a document to the DocuWare Printer, have the document be Auto-Indexed using a saved template, and be sent to individual user Trays. We are told that the template saved for "Quotes," is, and can only be linked to one tray; which would have to be communal tray where all inside sales people store there quotes. We want to avoid using a communal Tray so that it is easy for users to isolate the documents that they printed and want to store.

    Any advice or insight is greatly appreciated!

  • Purchase to Pay - Best Practices

    We are in the process of configuring our On Premise Platform to include our Purchase-to-Pay process. It is my understanding that you cannot pass a task between file cabinets so I am struggling with how to set this up so that the documents can move throughout the process.

    For example:
    Our Sales team will submit a request to purchase material needed for a specific customer order. That request along with backup documents, will need to end up in Purchasing where they will submit a purchase order. Now that purchase order needs to be sent to Receiving, so that when the material arrives, receiving can relate the packing list to the purchase order which is already associated with the original requisition. Finally, those documents (specifically the packing list and purchase order), need to move on to Accounts Payable so that the invoice can be processed.

    This seems like a very basic process, but I do not understand how the task will get passed off to each role/department if we have a file cabinet set up for each functional area. Do we need to set up a file cabinet called "Requistions" instead? If we do that, how will we be able to relate the sales documents to the requisition? I have considered the clip function, but am unsure if that would prevent the clipped documents from being looked up later.

    We currently have Task Manager, not Workflow Manager.
    Any insight as to what works for you is greatly appreciated!

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