
Restoring the index in a satellite file cabinet
If the database of the satellite file cabinet is corrupt, you can restore the index by using the "Restore" Workflow. This will ensure that the database information is complete.
After the restore of the index data in the satellite file cabinet a next synchronization from master to satellite file cabinet will be done.
Please note that after the next synchronization it can occur that data which already exists in the satellite file cabinet are transferred again from master to satellite file cabinet. This means that the satellite file cabinet can contain duplicates after the next synchronization!
The reason is that the information pertaining to the status of the synchronization of the satellite file cabinet is written to a table which might lost because the database information was corrupt or no longer available. (The fields affected are DWMASTERDOCID, DWMATSERTIMESTAMP, DWSYNCHSTATUS.)

Restoring Encrypted Documents
If you enabled document encryption for a file cabinet, you will not be able to restore index data from the header information. Even if you do not encrypt the headers, thereby allowing the index data to be read, it will still be impossible to decrypt the documents. The file cabinet keys that are essential for decrypting the documents are stored in the database, in the DWKEYS table.
To regain access to encrypted documents whose index data has been lost, a backup of the database is essential.