
If there was a usage of Sharepoint-Record-Center “store document to docuware and leave link in sharepoint” before DocuWare 6.5, it is not working anymore with the new version because of the new webclient integration.

You need to activate a URL rewrite in your IIS (
Following steps will help to redirect the old integration links to the new web client integration:

Go to your docuware site in the IIS ( you can also specifiy the rule on highest level in IIS ) and open the “URL Rewrite”

Connect to Sharepoint URL Rewrite

Add a new rule to your “URL Rewrite”:
Connect to Sharepoint Add new Rule

Now enter the according values to the rule:
Specify the old DocuWare webclient link along with “/Integration” within the “Pattern” field.
In “Redirect URL” you must now point to your actual webclient. Please also specify your Organization Id in this field. This is “1” in case of a single organization.

Connect to Sharepoint Edit Inbound Rule