
When you try to store, delete or modify a document in the web client you get the following error message:
The DocuWare Server could not be reached. Please check the availablity of the network and the server.

WebDAV server role restricts HTTP requests like PUT and DELETE.

Windows 2008 Server-Manager:

Windows 2012 Server Manager:

You have the following options to solve the issue but option 1 is suggested since it's less error-prone.
Please keep in mind you have to do either option 1 or option 2, not both.

  • Option 1Start CMD as Administrator and run the following command:
    Run the command only if Platform is installed in the Default Web Site!
    %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config "Default Web Site/DocuWare/Platform" -section:system.webServer/modules -runManagedModulesForWebDavRequests:true
  • Option 2: Disable WebDAV-Publishing in the IIS for the whole Default Web Site:
    Only do these steps if you're sure that other applications which are running in the Default Web Site do not need the WebDAV module or if only DocuWare is running in this web site!