

How do I move my import jobs from the Desktop Apps from one workstation to another?


It is possible to move the jobs, but the procedure works only under special circumstances.
It is recommended, to recreate all import jobs by hand, to assure,that there are not errors in the copied settings.
This move is not working all the time, the XML can still be used to receive the information needed to recreate the configurations in the Desktop Apps.

Please make sure to create an empty import configuration beforehand, to receive all needed information from the new system.
Copy the created "%programdata%\DocuWare\Desktop\hotfolders.xml" file, to access it later.

Stop DW Desktop Service and DocuWare Desktop Apps (source system)
Install DW Desktop App Import on destination system
Stop DW Desktop Service and DocuWare Desktop Apps (destination system)
Copy the following folder from the source to the destination system:
    Folder: "%programdata%\DocuWare\Desktop\"

Old Systems (6.10 and lower) the hotfolders.xml can be found in:

After the hotfolders.xml is copied and the Import installed, the copied hotfolders.xml needs to be adapted to the new system.
Each import configuration is contained in the following part: <HotfolderConfiguration>
Make sure to set each configuration from <Active>true</Active> to <Active>false</Active> to turn each configuration off.

The following values need to be changed, to show the configurations in the Desktop Apps.
This part can be copied and pasted from the test configuration, created beforehand.
Please be aware, that changing this part for all import configurations, will move all configurations to the DocuWare user, previously used to create the test configuration.

<TargetSystemId xmlns:a="">
    <a:Organization>Peters Engineering</a:Organization>

(Sample only. Please don't copy this part)

Save the hotfolders.xml and start the DocuWare Desktop Service and the DocuWare Desktop Apps afterwards.
The import configurations should show in the Desktop Apps again.

If this is not the case, please check the used DocuWare Server URL, the DocuWare user and the Windows user (SID).
All three of those need to be the same as used in the Desktop App.

Please make sure that the import jobs on the old system are deleted or the Desktop Apps uninstalled.

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