
How can I set up DocuWare Desktop Apps in a terminal server environment?
Under certain circumstances, using DocuWare Desktop Apps in terminal server environments can cause problems. Please refer to the following settings to prevent these problems and utilize the DocuWare Desktop Apps without restrictions.
Note: After enabling these settings, you will need to create your import jobs again!

General recommendations

  • Install the latest available HotfixPack and update the Desktop Apps
  • Do not delete the content from C:\ProgramData\DocuWare\ (%PROGRAMDATA%).
DocuWare 6.9 and newer versions
  1. Download the file DocuWare.DesktopService.exe.config.overrides
  2. Stop the DocuWare Desktop Apps and DocuWare Desktop Service.
  3. Copy the file into the DocuWare Desktop Apps program path
    x86: C:\Program Files\DocuWare\Desktop\
    x64: C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\Desktop\
  4. Start DocuWare Desktop Service and the DocuWare Desktop Apps again
Note: Using the Individual Overrides file these settings will remain active also after an upgrade!

DocuWare 6.7 and 6.8
For DocuWare 6.7, you need to install the latest HotfixPack. Otherwise, these changes will not take effect!
  1. Stop the DocuWare Desktop Apps and DocuWare Desktop Service.
  2. Open the file in ...\DocuWare\Desktop\DocuWare.DesktopService.exe.config.
  3. Add the following lines within the tag <appSettings>:
    <add key="HotfolderPersistenceStrategy" value="Remote"/>
    <add key="HotfolderRoutingStrategy" value="
    <add key="HotfolderSchedulingStrategy" value="
    Please change the value of the parameter "PluginStartSeconds":
    <add key="PluginStartSeconds" value="600"/> 
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Start DocuWare Desktop Service and the DocuWare Desktop Apps.
Login Token expires
If you are running DocuWare Desktop Apps in a terminal server farm, the user may be presented with a "Login token expired" error message in DocuWare Desktop Apps. This occurs when the Login Token on a terminal server is only valid for a specific period of time. The Token is extended automatically every time the user runs the Desktop Apps on this server. Typically in a terminal server farm, the users are routed to different terminal servers, so the Login Token on another terminal server might expire then. To extend the login token period, perform following steps on the DocuWare Server:
  1. Stop all DocuWare Services
  2. Stop all DocuWare Application Pools in IIS-Manager
  3. Open the file ...\DocuWare\Authentication Server\DWAuthenticationServer.exe.settings.
  4. Raise the value for parameter MultiUsageTokenLifetime from 14 (days in 6.7) resp. 28 (days in 6.8) to a higher value, for example, 56(days) or even 84 (days).
  5. Save the changes.
  6. Start all DocuWare Services and Application Pools
  7. Reconnect (Remove and connect again) in DocuWare Desktop Apps
Automatic Connection Creation
If there is no connection, DocuWare Desktop will automatically connect to the DocuWare System two minutes after the start. It will use the connection settings from the registry, which are provided by the Desktop Apps Setup.
You'll find them in
x86: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DocuWare\Setup] > "SettingsPath"
x64: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\DocuWare\Setup] > "SettingsPath"
If you don't want to wait two minutes, you can trigger the connection right at the start of DocuWare Desktop Apps using the command line argument -createdefaultconnection.
You could modify the shortcut in the Windows Startup folder to run DocuWare Desktop with this command line argument:
  1. In C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\, you'll find a shortcut to DocuWare Desktop.
  2. Exit out of DocuWare Desktop apps if running.
  3. Open DocuWare Desktop properties. In "Target," append the command line argument:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\Desktop\DocuWare.Desktop.exe" -createdefaultconnection
  4. Save
Now the connection is established immediately at the start of DocuWare Desktop after logon. If windows authentication is set up in DocuWare, no further action is required by the user.
If Windows authentication is not set up, the user will be prompted to enter the DocuWare login credentials.
If there is already a connection, nothing will happen.
Technical Details
  • HotfolderPersistenceStrategy
    Remote: If this setting is enabled the Import Job settings are stored in the %AppData% (Roaming) folder of the current user. This means the configured import jobs are available across all terminal servers.
  • HotfolderRoutingStrategy
    RemoteOnly: If this setting is enabled, all configured Import Jobs are executed in the context of the current user. This option is especially important for RDS farms, where files should only be imported as long as the user is logged in.
  • HotfolderSchedulingStrategy
    LimitedFair: If this setting is enabled, only a limited number of documents are imported at one time. This option is especially important for terminal servers to avoid document loss e.g. if a user logs off after importing a large number of files. Due to improvements in the import mechanism this setting is deprecated since DocuWare 6.9.
  • Connection Management
    The DocuWare Desktop Connection consists of two parts:
    • Connection from DocuWare Web Client to DocuWare Desktop
      This part uses cookies to establish and keep the connection. Depending on the operating system version and the configuration, cookies can be part of the roaming profile but don’t need to be. If they are not and the LocalAppData folder is deleted after logging off, the user will get the message "Do you want to allow the requesting application to access your local DocuWare services?" every time he initiates an action in the Web Client, which needs the local services (e.g., Edit or Send).
  • Connection from DocuWare Desktop to the DocuWare System
    • This part connects to the Settings Service. All relevant information is stored in folder C:\ProgramData\DocuWare\. If this folder is cleared regularly, this information is lost, and the user has to reconnect

KBA is applicable to both Cloud and On-premise Organizations.

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