I currently have a Node.js based Validation application setup, but it will only work if I leave the command prompt opened. Is there a way to run this application as a service?
There is a CLI utility called Quick Windows Service that installs/uninstalls a windows service.
In order to install/uninstall the Node.js application, type the following in command prompt:
Installing the Quick Windows Service utility:
npm install -g qckwinsvc
Installing your service:
The following information will be required when installing the service:
Service name: [name for your service]
Service description: [description for it]
Node script path: [path of your node script]
Once all requested parameters have been provided, this will setup a Windows Service which can you setup to run automatically.
Uninstalling the service:
qckwinsvc --uninstall
The following information will be required upon uninstalling:
Service name: [name of your service]
Node script path: [path of your node script]
NOTE: This requires that the Node.js environment has been setup already. For information on setting this up, please refer to the following link: Installing Node.js Tutorial
KBA applicable for both Cloud and On-premise Organizations.