The desktop Apps can only be installed, updated, and uninstalled by executing the ClientSetup or SilentSetup variant. ClientSetup needs user input, SilentSetup has to be run in an administrative context and therefore prompts a User Access Control (UAC) within Windows. This UAC has to be disabled for each system individually. Running SilentSetup in a LocalSystem context cannot access a network location.

How can a software deployment software like Baramundi be used to manage the Desktop Apps?
Using Windows Internal Tools we can combine parts of the ClientSetup and SilentSetup to be able to install the Desktop Apps in a LocalSystem context. Please refer to the following instructions to use the DocuWare ClientSetup within a software deployment.
For Cloud, the MSI will only be available in all current DocuWare 7.5 shards or after the update to DocuWare 7.5.
First, you will need certain URLs depending on your system:
For DocuWare Cloud, you use your cloud URL,, as baseURL. For On-premises, you use the URL used to connect to the Web Client.

Depending on your software deployment environment, you have different limitations concerning the length of commands/switches. Choose the option suitable to your software deployment. The methods differ in the initial MSI call and the following SilentSetup commands.
Within each method, you will find steps to install and uninstall the Desktop Apps.
The following steps must be executed in order:
Pre-installation: create the folder
Installation: Run the MSI via MSIEXEC
Post-installation: Execute the SilentSetup installation steps

You can use the same commands to implement an update command for the Desktop Apps, but keep in mind that since DocuWare 7.5, the update module is capable of updating the Desktop Apps without administrative rights.
For the update module to be installed, make sure to explicitly select it during the module installation process. It is not installed when using --install=auto.
Additionally, please note: Update is still prompting for admin rights on Terminal Servers.

The following examples use the URLs for a DocuWare Cloud system.

Method 1:

You need to adjust the following URL using the same logic as above:

Pre-step create folder
REM Create log directory in advance
if not exist "%AllUsersProfile%\DocuWare\ClientSetup" md "%AllUsersProfile%\DocuWare\ClientSetup"

Install MSI
REM Install DocuWare.ClientSetup.MSI
msiexec /I "http(s)://
[baseURL]/docuware/Platform/ClientSetup/Docuware.ClientSetup.msi" /qn PLATFORMPATH="http(s)://[baseURL]:[port]/DocuWare/Platform/Home/ClientSetupInfo?orgId=[OrgGuid]&baseAddress=https%3a%2f%2f[baseURL]%3a[Port]%2fDocuWare%2fPlatform" STARTGUI=0 /l*vx "%AllUsersProfile%\DocuWare\ClientSetup\Install-DocuWareClientSetup.msi.log"

The step "if not exist" is needed because the folder for logging has to be available. Best used in a pre-installation step, then run the msiexec installation with adjusted URL as listed.
In case of a Cloud System, the Organization ID is not required to be added after "--orgId=".
The --orgID is also not required for On-Premises Systems which only contain one DocuWare Organization and "[OrgGuid]" can simply be removed.

Post step install modules
REM Install all allowed modules 
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\DocuWare\Client Setup\DocuWare.Setup.Client.Cmd.exe" install --auto
REM Install specific modules

"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\DocuWare\Client Setup\DocuWare.Setup.Client.Cmd.exe" install --modules="AdminTool Scanner Printer Import"

For information about the SilentSetup, please refer to the SilentSetup article available for your version.
Please follow the link for all SilentSetup Articles SilentSetup KBA Category.

REM uninstall (pre step to uninstall all Desktop Apps)
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\DocuWare\Client Setup\DocuWare.Setup.Client.Cmd.exe" uninstall --all
REM uninstall of DocuWare.ClientSetup.msi

msiexec /x "https://[baseURL]/docuware/Platform/ClientSetup/Docuware.ClientSetup.msi" /qn STARTGUI=0 /l*vx "%AllUsersProfile%\DocuWare\ClientSetup\Uninstall-DocuWareClientSetup.msi.log"

Method 2:

Pre-step create folder
REM Create log directory in advance
if not exist "%AllUsersProfile%\DocuWare\ClientSetup" md "%AllUsersProfile%\DocuWare\ClientSetup"

Install MSI
REM Install DocuWare.ClientSetup.MSI
msiexec /I "https://[baseURL]/docuware/Platform/ClientSetup/Docuware.ClientSetup.msi" /qn STARTGUI=0 /l*vx "%AllUsersProfile%\DocuWare\ClientSetup\Install-DocuWareClientSetup.msi.log"

The step "if not exist" is needed because the folder for logging has to be available. Best used in a preinstallation step, then run the msiexec installation with adjusted URL as listed.

Post step install modules
REM Install all allowed modules
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\DocuWare\Client Setup\DocuWare.Setup.Client.Cmd.exe" install --auto --server="http(s)://[baseURL]"
REM Install specific modules

"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\DocuWare\Client Setup\DocuWare.Setup.Client.Cmd.exe" install --modules="AdminTool Scanner Printer Import" --server="http(s)://[baseURL]"

The install commands above can be used for a Cloud System or On-Premises systems with only one DocuWare Organization.
The --orgID is also required for On-Premises Systems with more than one DocuWare Organization.

For information about the SilentSetup, please refer to the SilentSetup article available for your version.
Please follow the link for all SilentSetup Articles SilentSetup KBA Category.

REM uninstall (pre step to uninstall all Desktop Apps)
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\DocuWare\Client Setup\DocuWare.Setup.Client.Cmd.exe" uninstall --all
REM uninstall of DocuWare.ClientSetup.msi

msiexec /x "https://[baseURL]/docuware/Platform/ClientSetup/Docuware.ClientSetup.msi" /qn STARTGUI=0 /l*vx "%AllUsersProfile%\DocuWare\ClientSetup\Uninstall-DocuWareClientSetup.msi.log"
KBA is applicable to both Cloud and On-premise Organizations
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