The GUID structure of Recently Deleted documents is difficult to interpret when viewing their meta-information via the platform API.
Meta-information about the documents in the Recently Deleted section of the Web Client can be found at the platform endpoint URL https://[CLOUDURL]/DocuWare/Platform/Browser/Platform/TrashBin/Documents. There, you will see that each has a tr-GUID associated with it. This tr-GUID is structured as such:
  • Everything after the "tr_" and before the last dash "-" is the source GUID of the file cabinet or document tray that the document was deleted from.
  • The number after the dash is the DOCID within that File Cabinet or tray.
  • Each document listed here will also have its own document link that can be accessed for more information on the document.
  • The document's DOCID will be held in the document's field "DWDOCID" which will be its original DOCID from the file cabinet/ document tray it was deleted from.
Examples of GUID structure interpretation:
For File Cabinet
tr_3c42398b-a154-4c9e-b413-f7b5e1de1840-2 and  tr_3c42398b-a154-4c9e-b413-f7b5e1de1840-3
If the above GUID structure from a File Cabinet was retrieved via the platform API, the file cabinet GUID would be 3c42398b-a154-4c9e-b413-f7b5e1de1840, and the DocID in the File Cabinet would be 2, 3.
For Basket (Document Tray)
If the above GUID structure from a Document Tray was retrieved via the platform API, the Document Tray GUID would be b_6c6ce9bb-8006-42f5-a991-8dfb415ae2cc, and the DocID in the tray (internally held but accessible via the API endpoint) would be 3.
Note: Any instance of the term Basket within the platform site would be referring to Document Trays.
KBA is applicable for both Cloud and On-premise Organizations.