What is a good way of generating a list of failed workflow tasks and exporting them to a CSV file?

When creating a DocuWare Workflow, it's best practice to utilize the Error node of a Workflow activity that falls into a faulted state. 
Using the Error node, we can route it to an AssignData step, where you can update an index field to a value such as "Error" or "Faulted."
Note: In the example below, our AssignData step will update the Status index field to "Error".

With the index field updated, we can search from the Web Client or create a List that can display all documents that match that updated index value. For more information on how to create a DocuWare List, please see KBA-36771
Since exporting the data from a task list to a CSV file is not possible by product design, we can export a CSV file from either a Result List or a List using the ellipsis at the top-right of the List. 

Note: When implementing this in a Workflow, only newer documents processed after this change will be updated in case of a fault. This will not count toward documents already in a faulted state.

KBA applicable for both Cloud and On-premise Organizations