How can I upload files from my local machine to the DocuWare FTP server using Command Prompt instead of an FTP client?
The commands needed to complete this are below, but detailed instructions will follow:
cd 7d_abcd_efg1h7ijklmn4opq7r9st5u5vwxyz8a/documents/test
put C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\TestDoc.pdf
1. Open Command Prompt and type the below command to connect to the DocuWare FTP server:
2. After connecting, you will be prompted for a username and password. Because DocuWare FTP uses anonymous authentication only, please leave this blank and press enter when prompted for a username and password.
3. We will need to change directories to your desired ftp location. Please copy the FTP folder address from the FTP configurations page.
From this URL, you will only need the part after ''
For example
4. Once you have the proper file path, type the following command in the Command Prompt, replacing the example path with your specific folder address:
cd 7d_abcd_efg1h7ijklmn4opq7r9st5u5vwxyz8a/documents/test
5. After changing directories, you can transfer a file from your local computer to the DocuWare FTP server by using the 'put' command. Make sure to specify the correct file path on your local machine. For instance:
put C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\TestDoc.pdf
This command will upload the file TestDoc.pdf from the specified local path to the current directory in the DocuWare FTP server. You can replace the blue part of the command with the file path of your choice.
You can also use the command 'mput' to Upload multiple files at once from the local machine to the remote server. For example:
mput C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\*.pdf
This command uploads all .pdf files from the specified local directory to the current FTP directory.
6. Once the file transfer is complete, disconnect from the DocuWare FTP server using the following command:
To upload more files, simply repeat the 'put' command with the corresponding local file paths before disconnecting.
2. After connecting, you will be prompted for a username and password. Because DocuWare FTP uses anonymous authentication only, please leave this blank and press enter when prompted for a username and password.
3. We will need to change directories to your desired ftp location. Please copy the FTP folder address from the FTP configurations page.
From this URL, you will only need the part after ''
For example
4. Once you have the proper file path, type the following command in the Command Prompt, replacing the example path with your specific folder address:
cd 7d_abcd_efg1h7ijklmn4opq7r9st5u5vwxyz8a/documents/test
5. After changing directories, you can transfer a file from your local computer to the DocuWare FTP server by using the 'put' command. Make sure to specify the correct file path on your local machine. For instance:
put C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\TestDoc.pdf
This command will upload the file TestDoc.pdf from the specified local path to the current directory in the DocuWare FTP server. You can replace the blue part of the command with the file path of your choice.
You can also use the command 'mput' to Upload multiple files at once from the local machine to the remote server. For example:
mput C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\*.pdf
This command uploads all .pdf files from the specified local directory to the current FTP directory.
6. Once the file transfer is complete, disconnect from the DocuWare FTP server using the following command:
To upload more files, simply repeat the 'put' command with the corresponding local file paths before disconnecting.
Note: A second file needs to be created (.bat or .cmd) to run the code from the text file. If you are using the process to update a file in a file connection, the file needs to be deleted, so the delete code part can be added.
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