Multiple Document Processing configurations were created with "Select configuration automatically as specified on Processing." enabled. When the job runs, the file uploads, but the following messages are returned;
"No matching configurations have been found."
You may also see the warning:
"More than one configuration has been found."
This can happen for two different reasons.
This can happen for two different reasons.
- The Identification tab is not filled in the Document Processing configuration. Create a unique zone so the Import job knows what configuration to use for the uploaded file.
- The Identification zone was created, but there is a conflict between other Document Processing configurations. If the zones are in the same area, Desktop Apps will warn that the file was stored in the default inbox. To avoid this, ensure the criteria zones are unique and re-upload the document.
Note: The default inbox would be for the user running import jobs. Default inboxes will vary, but the history will tell you where the file was stored.
KBA is applicable to both Cloud and On-premise Organizations