Posted Tue, 06 Mar 2018 02:21:02 GMT by Luis Daniel Hilario Criado


I did a new installation of Docuware 5.1c, everything is working fine, fullserver is apparently ok, I can create a recognition template with recognition editor, I can assign it to a cabinet, I select fields, I test ocr and it's ok... but when saving a document (dwtiff or pdf) into a cabinet the fields are not filled in automatically. I also have a fulltext field and I select the ocr check for the whole page. Even if I make rigth click on the document and select ocr to cabinet nothing happens. Any ideas? I would greatly appreciate your collaboration.




Posted Tue, 06 Mar 2018 11:48:07 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Are you using the Windows Client? It sounds like it. Recognition will only work on Back & White TIFF documents. After you brin the TIFF in to the Windows Client Basket, you must select the document and then from the context menu select Run Recognition.

Also, I have to assume you have been using 5.1c for some time. Is this simply an  installation on a new workstation or a completely new installation at a customer?


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Tue, 06 Mar 2018 15:20:11 GMT by Luis Daniel Hilario Criado

Yes, I'm using Windows client on a new clean single workstation installation. I used to use Docuware but my server was attacked by a hacker and I had to do a new installation on a new server (new system, new disk). So, it's a clean installation. The document I'm using is one of the default examples, so it's docuware tiff, b&w.

Following your instructions, I don't find the option "Run recognition" from de context menú by clicking on the document in the basket. Now, the only option that works correctly is from the context menu (once the document is opened by the visor), OCR-copy to saving dialogue or double click on any term. In that way, OCR works and the correspondent fied is fillen in automatically.

What am I doing wrong?




Posted Wed, 07 Mar 2018 00:04:28 GMT by Luis Daniel Hilario Criado

Hi again,

I could realize that it's not possible to choose any recognition template within basket configuration menu. Here you have some pictures. I don't know what happens, I've already tried every option.


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