Posted Wed, 24 Mar 2021 15:57:04 GMT by Chema Lopez Developer
I have been trying to use BatchQueryUpdateFields function in API REST without success.

Documentation explains that q parameter is the query to select documents to update. Here is one example of what I am trying to do.
POST /DocuWare/Platform/FileCabinets/<filecabinetid>/Operations/BatchQueryUpdateFields?q=W1NUQVRVU109RU1QVFkoKQ%3D%3D

q parameter is Base64 encoded

I get an error response:
{"ShowException":false,"Message":"The expression type [[STATUS]=EMPTY()] is not recognized","Exception":"UnprocessableEntityException: The expression type [[STATUS]=EMPTY()] is not recognized","Uri":"http://<host>/DocuWare/Platform/FileCabinets/<filecabinetid>/Operations/BatchQueryUpdateFields?q=W1NUQVRVU109RU1QVFkoKQ%3D%3D","Method":"POST","StatusCode":422,"Status":"Unprocessable Entity","InternalCode":0}

I have tried several conditions:

But none has been successful.

I hope someone can help me.
Posted Wed, 31 Mar 2021 15:57:04 GMT by Matthias Wieland DocuWare Europe GmbH Sr. Director Support EMEA
Dear Chema Lopez! It looks like the Community cannot answer your question. That's why we have opened a Support Request with the Number SR-147434-R9S3D for you. A Software Support Specialist will contact you directly to follow up. We will update this thread with the solution as soon as we have resolved the Support Request. With best regards, DocuWare Support Team

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