Posted Tue, 15 May 2018 11:06:49 GMT by Ryan Johnson Global Technical Consultant

Good Afternoon,


Are the viewer capabilities of DocuWare cloud documented somewhere? i.e. can it open A0 size PDFs / CAD drawings etc.


I see previous forum post references that you could specify a third party viewer in some cases, and I also saw that in 6.12 the viewer was changed and has more decoders. (


Is there a full list of "supported file formats" documented somewhere that the viewer supports?


Many Thanks,




Posted Wed, 16 May 2018 06:31:42 GMT by Simon H. Hellmann Wedderhoff IT GmbH Systemadministrator

Good Morning Ryan,

please have a look in the DocuWare Help here:

I think it lists everything you are asking for.

Hope that helps,

Simon H. Hellmann

DocuWare System Consultant

Posted Wed, 16 May 2018 07:36:44 GMT by Ryan Johnson Global Technical Consultant

Thanks Simon,


I looked at the knowledgecentre yesterday but failed to find it, I've had another look after your comment and did indeed find the Viewer information.


However, the information is correct as of Version 6.7 - so I wonder what has changed since 6.7 to 6.12 (also considering the other forum post I referenced yesterday does indicate some changes to the decoders).


Is there an updated list for 6.12 that you are aware of?


Many Thanks,




Posted Wed, 16 May 2018 08:03:59 GMT by Simon H. Hellmann Wedderhoff IT GmbH Systemadministrator

Hello Ryan,

as far as I know that information is still mostly up to date. There have been some hotfixes affecting the Viewer, but nothing much changed.

You can find all the information about the Web Viewer and its Hotfixes here:

Hope this helps you.

Simon H. Hellmann

DocuWare System Consultant

Posted Wed, 16 May 2018 08:15:00 GMT by Ryan Johnson Global Technical Consultant

Hi Simon,


Thanks very much for your quick responses - greatly appreciated.





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