Posted Tue, 21 Aug 2018 11:41:30 GMT by Ryan Johnson Global Technical Consultant

Good Afternoon,

I've been asked two questions, one about SSO, and another about a line in the specifications that mentions access via a "trustworthy third-party application".

I answered the first question about single sign-on with referene to the below table from the specification documentation, and two forum posts answered by Phil Robson.



This prompted the second question which is related to the line below single sign-on in the table. "Please indicate what: “via a trustworthy third-party application” might entail?"

Is there any clear definition on this please? I've searched through the 6.9 functions overview which seems to be the latest available and don't find anything that clarifies.

(ref >> )

I've also attempted to search the DW Knowledge Centre to no avail.

Thanks in advance for your help and support.



Posted Tue, 21 Aug 2018 12:01:44 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

I am not sure if the Trusted 3rd party application function is of much value. I have not known anyone to use it. Basically all it is is a user that you define in DocuWare Administration > User Administration > Trusted application users. It is a user name, password, and the file cabinets they have access to. The user still has to login to DocuWare. Frankly, I've never used it and I think it will dissappear.

You can read the Help for it in DocuWare Administration.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas



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