Publié Mon, 06 Jul 2020 08:45:50 GMT par Ahmad Abu Arja Manager – SW Development & Quality
in this code can document ids be the basket document ids 
public static Document MergeDocumentsBasket(FileCabinet basket, List<int> docIds)
            Document mergedDocument = basket.PutToContentMergeOperationRelationForDocument
                    new ContentMergeOperationInfo()
                        Documents = docIds,
                        Operation = ContentMergeOperation.Staple,
                        Force = true
            return mergedDocument;
Publié Mon, 06 Jul 2020 08:46:51 GMT par Matthias Wieland DocuWare Europe GmbH Sr. Director Support EMEA
Dear Ahmad Abu Arja! It looks like the Community cannot answer your question. That's why we have opened a Support Request with the Number SR-129935-P8L4Y for you. A Software Support Specialist will contact you directly to follow up. We will update this thread with the solution as soon as we have resolved the Support Request. With best regards, DocuWare Support Team
Publié Wed, 22 Jul 2020 09:00:13 GMT par Leopold Pohlmann DocuWare Europe GmbH Specialist Software Support Team GREEN EMEA
At first copy / move the document from the basket to the file cabinet (Copy index data + content). Afterwards Clip the documents inside the file cabinet.Example code:
public static void ClipDocuments()
    // Get documents
    Document docBasket = GetDocument("<<fcID>>", <<docID>);
    Document docFileCabinet = GetDocument("<<fcID>>", <<docID>>);

    // Get file cabinet + basket and copy document
    FileCabinet basket = connection.GetFileCabinet(<<BasketID>>).GetFileCabinetFromSelfRelation();
    FileCabinet fc = connection.GetFileCabinet("<<FCID>>").GetFileCabinetFromSelfRelation();
    int docID = CopyFromBasketToFileCabinet(docBasket, fc);
    // Clip the documents
    ContentMergeOperationInfo operationInfo = new ContentMergeOperationInfo()
        Documents = new List<int>() { docFileCabinet.Id, docID },
        Force = true,
        Operation = ContentMergeOperation.Clip,

private static Document GetDocument(string FCGuid, int docID)
    return connection.GetFromDocumentForDocumentAsync(docID, FCGuid).Result;

private static int CopyFromBasketToFileCabinet(Document docBasket, FileCabinet fc)
    DialogInfo dialog = fc.GetDialogInfosFromStoresRelation().Dialog.First(d => d.FileCabinetId == fc.Id);
    Document docNew = dialog.PostToStoreDocumentRelationForDocument(docBasket);
    docNew.PostToSectionsRelationForSection("application/pdf", docBasket.Sections[0].GetSectionFromSelfRelation().GetStreamFromContentRelation());
    return docNew.Id;

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