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How to format numeric fields?

Regional Options
Currently, the formatting for numeric fields is taken from the settings in Windows Control Panel – Regional Options. Depending on the country settings selected, this can cause a thousand separator (e.g. a comma) to be inserted after the first three figures of a number. You can switch this off for individual users as follows:
Open the Registry and under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\DocuWare\DocuWare\500 insert the DWORD "IgnoreThousandSeparator".
The thousand separator is NOT used for the value 1 (e.g. 123456789),  for the value 0 it is used (e.g. 123,456,789). The 0 value is the default value.
Decimal places
If you define decimal places for a numeric field, the highest possible number that you can enter in this field will decrease. Per decimal place the number decreases with the power of ten.
Without any decimal places 2,147,483,647 is the highest possible number in a numeric field, with two decimal places it would be only 21,474,836.47.