Vues :

Description of the file and directory structure

The files in the sample basket and the sample file cabinets reside in directories whose name depends on the respective DocuWare language version. The four-figure number is the Windows language code.
English: \examples.1033
German: \examples.1031
French: \examples.1036
Italian: \examples.1040
Spanish: \examples.3082

These directories contain the sub-directories Baskets and FileCabinets.

The Baskets directory contains a directory with the name of the sample file cabinet. This contains the Basket.ini file containing the configuration settings for the sample basket and the files of the sample documents.

The FileCabinets directory contains a directory with the name Sample<Languagecode>. It contains a subdirectory structure with the documents stored in the sample file cabinet. The subdirectory structure corresponds to the file cabinet disk. The file Sample<Languagecode>.xml contains the settings of the file cabinet.