Vues :

Content Server:

  • In certain situation it can occur that you cannot store documents any more (or can only store documents partially) or search for documents in Windows and Web Client.
  • In some cases you get an ISAPI error message in the event viewer which is only an inherited error.
    Message in event viewer: ISAPI "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll" reported itself as unhealthy for the following reason: 'Deadlock detected'.
    Messages in DocuWare Client during the outage:
    "Execute Reader requires an open and available connection. The actual status of the connection is 'closed' "
    - "The search has failed. Sort and search can only be the with operators 'like' and 'is Null' for text fields."

  • In some situations you can not login any more to DocuWare Clients.
  • In some situations every action in the DocuWare Clients last much longer as expected.

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