Vues :

During the update from DocuWare 6.7 (or newer, up to DocuWare 6.12) to DocuWare 7 or DocuWare 7.1 the step "Upgrade Content database" fails with the error message "ImpersonatedExec: Exit Code treated as error."

This means that the Content Upgrader failed to update one or more baskets or file cabinets.
To solve the problem please follow the instruction:

  1. Please navigate to C:\ProgramData\DocuWare\SetupLogs\ and search for the latest CtServerUpgrader.log.
    If more CtServerUpgrader logs  are present, open all of them.
  2. Search for the following:
    ERROR: DocuWare.Common.Exceptions.DWDBException: The index 'IXfa52b34786484f568506d06304b1' is dependent on column 'DOCUMENTCHANGE'.
    ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN DOCUMENTCHANGE failed because one or more objects access this column.

    Please keep in mind that the index name might be different on your system, so you might have to adjust your search (just parts of the message).

    The message means that in the database [DWDATA] table [DWSYS] an index was not deleted correctly by setup and this causes the error message and block the upgrade.

    Check if the index name corresponds with the one from the error message.
  3. If the index name is the same as in the error message, you can delete the index in the database [DWDATA].[DWSYS] and rerun the setup.
    If you use different databases for webbaskets, check all [DWSYS] tables of all databases.

    This index has to be deleted for only the upgrade step from 6.12 to 7.
Do not delete indexes other than the one specified in this exact context and only if the upgrader runs into the index error.
Do not delete the index before running the upgrade or with versions less than DocuWare 6.12 and only if you upgrade to DocuWare 7.