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Basket in DocuWare 5 mode (Not WEB BASKETS)

The following conventions are used for naming the document files in DocuWare 5 baskets:

The file name has the following components: "D", a four-digit document number of the document in the basket, a 3-digit page number. The file extension corresponds to the file format, e.g. DWTIFF for a b/w TIFF generated by DocuWare, or doc for a Word document.

The name of the associated header file has these components: "DOCU", a four-digit document number of the document in the basket, and a file extension in form of a 3-digit page number.


The 15th document in a basket consists of an b/w TIFF generated by DocuWare which was combined with a Word document. This document is composed of the following files:


b/w TIFF document generated by DocuWare


Header file associated with the b/w TIFF file created by DocuWare


Original Word document


Header file for the Word document

Basket in DocuWare 4 mode

The following conventions are used for naming the document files in DocuWare 4 baskets:
s/w TIFF documents generated by DocuWare
For b/w TIFF documents generated by DocuWare the file name is composed of "DOCU", the four-digit document number of the document in the basket, and the file extension in the form of a 3-digit page number. Thus, for multiple-page documents the file name for each page is the same, the page number is indicated by incrementing the file extension. The document header is in the TIFF file.



first page of the fifth document in the basket


second page of the third document in the Basket

Foreign Formats
The file name of "foreign" formats has the following components: "D", a four-digit number of the document in the basket, a 3-digit page number. The file extension identifies the foreign format, e.g. "doc" for a Word document.
The additional header files correspond to the file names of TIFF documents.


The fourth document in a basket is an Excel table that has been combined with a Word document. This document is composed of the following files:


Excel original document (first document page)


Header file for the Excel document


Word original document (second document page)


Header file for the Word document